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148 days old - follow up appointment

Blood test at follow up check up 
First follow up appointment since they left GCU. Used Masami jiji and Kazuko baba to get ready in the morning, bathing, dressing up, feeding, and put them on the stroller and walked to hospital. It was lucky the weather was nice and warm. 
Morning was regular check up and see how they grew so far. Naoya's weight was 6530g, 59.5cm tall, head size 40.7cm, and chest 43.4cm. Masaki's 6425g, 59cm tall, 41.9cm around head, 43.7cm around chest. They both had 5 shots: Hib, Streptoccoccus pneumoniae, Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus-Polio, Hepatitis B, and Synagis. Masaki had another appointment at pediatric surgery in the afternoon.
His hernia is still there, and we need to come back in 2 months for follow up, and possible surgery around when they're 6 months old, finishes the most of vaccination. We could finish earlier than thought, and we stopped by NICU/GCU to say hi. We could get back to home before weather got cold. Oh it was a busy day!


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