Monthly check up today. Naoya's weight was 7.940g, height 64cm, head 42.5cm, chest 48.5cm. Masaki 8.015g weight, 64.5cm tall, 43cm around head, and 46.5cm around chest. Both had 4 shots: Hib, Streptoccoccus pneumoniae, Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus-Polio, and Hepatitis B. Both of their anemia number were stable so no worries about that one, and physical developments were good. I made a reservation for next check up on May 26, and another appointment for Masaki to check hernia at pediatric surgery.
Masami jiji and Kazuko baba came with to help, and we had Singapore lunch afterwords to thank their assistance.
Masami jiji and Kazuko baba came with to help, and we had Singapore lunch afterwords to thank their assistance.