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Walking around in Marunouchi/Hibiya area

 Babies with brown rice bagels
 Tokyo tap water vending machine
 Zucchini and pulled pork
 Tomato and taleggio toast
Marunouchi street
Nobody can tell there once was a time bomb terrorist attach in 1974.

Went to pick up Ton's Japanese passport in the morning. She woke up late, needed to eat breakfast, so we hit Maruichi bagel on the way first. Then took subway to Hibiya, went to passport office, picked up her passport. We walked around International Forum which had antique fair going. Ton tried the tap water machine there. Then she was still hungry, we walked to Marunouchi area where less crowded compared to the other side of this area of Ginza. We had early lunch at Marunouchi Happ. Their toast is amazing. Babies were asleep by then we sit around on the bench arranged on the closed street on the weekend for a while. We left there as both babies woke up, and Ton was tired. Lazy Sunday was ended with a family dinner at Chinese restaurant with Avery&Derek and their mom Chelsea, followed by gelato dessert. Good day.


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