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Park to Dr with jiji & baba

 Park with baba
 Twins on siwngs
 Break with jiji
 Pretzels babies
Walking with jiji
A video of twins on siwngs here.

Masami jiji and Kazuko baba came the night before, and we went to park with twins in the morning. Since babies had appointments with eye Dr. in the afternoon, we tried to take it easy, so that they won't get too tired.
We ended up walking to Shinagawa station with babies in the begining, they traveled fine on the trains, though didn't like the hospital. But the business has to be taken care of: eye sight check ups, eye drops, waiting for the med to work on dilating pupils while having late lunch, another check up, make next appointment in 6 months, and check out. Off course we didn't have to pay anything thanks to the health care....! Although it was not so crowded like usual, we could finish in 2 hours. By the time we get home it was already dark, and we all were very tired... Thank you very much for your help jiji & baba!


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