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Lunch at Bou You Rou, Aoyama ランチ@望洋楼

Wanting to get away from the crowd, I opened the door of this beautiful restaurant. Despite the busy lunch hour, they offered me a big private room for a single lunch. It made me feel like having a short trip out of Tokyo. I think I need it once in a while.

Today's lunch: yellowback seabream and striped bonito sashimi, sea eel and maitake mushroom tempra, farmer's salad, ICHIHOMARE rice, and soba with grated daikon radish Echizen style.


本日の御膳「秋の日差し」メッキ鯛とスジガツオのお造り、穴子と九頭竜舞茸の天ぷら、福井 農園サラダ、いちほまれ、越前おろし蕎麦


A little garden
本日の御膳「秋の日差し」メッキ鯛とスジガツオのお造り、穴子と九頭竜舞茸の天ぷら、福井 農園サラダ、いちほまれ、越前おろし蕎麦 
Today's lunch: yellowback seabream and striped bonito sashimi, sea eel and maitake mushroom tempra, farmer's salad, ICHIHOMARE rice, and soba with grated daikon radish Echizen style


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