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Showing posts from November, 2020



Clouds in the sky

Those clouds were moving slowly to east, quite amazing. They have their own order regardless we human’s business.  

Naoya & papa


IKEA Shibuya

Prior to IKEA Shibuya opening on Mon Nov 30, I booked my visit as a Family member of their program, and went to check out. Lots of people waiting around the shop, the scene made me wonder how come IKEA was not making people que up although I can see they have many staff inside just bubbling. 10 min before the door opens, the store manager made a short announcement, and we showed our registry and went inside. 7 stories, though they have up to 6F for now, not all of their products but some are useful for small apartments. Picked up some little things I needed, checked out in less than an hour. Before leaving I picked a couple of plant-based hotdogs which I paid ¥190! And they have meatballs, both real meat and vegan. Now I know where I can get them much closer! You'll need to make a reservation to go visit the shop for a while so you better check their website if you're planning a trip.  Meat balls! Plant based hotdogs for ¥190!

Thanksgiving snack time with twins

Happy Thanksgiving Mont Blanc cake with Masaki Naoya

Twins measuring their height

Masaki Japanese encephalitis vaccination today. They didn't like it, but it will help eventually.   

八戸 虎鯖の棒鮨 A marinated mackerel sushi

銀座松屋でたまたま目に留まった鯖鮨。鯖の大きさが3種類も。中ぐらいのサイズをいただきました。脂が乗っていて、酢も効きすぎず、とても美味しい! 八戸からなんだ、大変だったろうな、と思って声をかけると、青森も感染者は東京と同じぐらいの比率でいるから怖くはない、と。帰ったら自腹だけれど検査すぐしてくれるからいいんだそう。銀座のまちは結構人がいたけれど、やっぱりデパートは寂しい感じでした。沢山売れるといいなあ。  

IBARAKI sense shop visit

自粛とはいえ、色々と用事もあり、銀座へ。ついでに茨城アンテナショップ、IBARAKI senseへ。何やら人だかりが見え、お隣のパン屋さんはいつも人気だな、と思っていたら、茨城の農協のイベントだったらしく、お野菜がエコバックに入って500円。スタッフの方と無駄話をしていたら最後の一袋になったので買ってみました。これで皆さん早くあがれますね!内容が盛り沢山、これで500円は申し訳ないぐらいです。そして、本題の店内、結構な混雑。平日にしては珍しいのですが、皆さんケンミンの方なのかなあ。私は殿中と納豆スナック、水戸のにいつまの栗どら焼きを購入。可愛らしいイワシ缶のおまけもいただきました。  A bag full of vegetables from Ibaraki for ¥500! にいつまの栗どら焼き A gift from Ibaraki shop

Vending machine these days

 I like the fact that this vending machine has options of rice balls and deep fried pork sandwich, along with chocolates and cream puffs.

福光屋 純米吟醸風味 酒かすていら Junmai Ginjo flavor Sake Castella cake from Fukumitsuya

Night time snack. 結構お酒が効いてます。 


Matsutake mushroom rice! Round a marked down matsutake mushroom, adopted and took it to home, then cooked with just a couple of rice. Rich aroma, what a treat! ぽつんと残されたのを見つけてしまい、頂いて帰り、少しだけご飯と炊きました。長かったのですが、包丁を使いたくなかったので、手で割いて長いまま。この香りたるや、贅沢!  

Tandoori chicken

Tried a new recipe.  

Happy Thanksgiving!

Turkey plate for lunch BBQ turkey quesadilla Sticky toffee pudding Sticky toffee pudding & pumpkin pie in far  


 Try not to waste!

This month's flowers

ストック(カルテットチェリー)、トルコキキョウ(ブルーラベンダー)、ブバリア、プルモーサム、ヒムロ杉  Stock(Quartet cherry), Texas bluebells(Veil lavender), Bourvadia, Plumosus, Moss cypress  


  Masaki Naoya

Shibuya with twins

Went to check out Saka's exhibit at Trunk Hotel in Shibuya.   Naoya and me, Masaki in a back Masaki and papa Happy Masaki eating a chocolate chip cookie Naoya with a sugar doughnut Streamer Coffee

Fruits & cheese hot sandwiches

  Apple & Pié d'Angloys sandwich Pear & blue cheese

Snack at Starbucks as usual

  Masaki with a waffle with shipped cream Cake break at Starbucks A video of  Naoya carrying his kick scooter .

鹹豆漿(シェントウジャン) Taiwanese soy soup

  It was very easy to cook!

Bagels and cream cheese

  Masaki with a cream cheese on bagel Naoya with a cream cheese and bagel Video of  Masaki putting cream cheese on his bagel , and  Naoya putting cream cheese on his bagel .