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Showing posts from November, 2021

Handmade Pad Kee Mao (Spicy Basil Stir-Fried Noodles)

 A kit from Muji. Very spicy...!


This time we stayed with Chinatsu's family.   Photos here . Videos: Papa trying to turn on the gas light...; Papa trying to turn on the gas light...2 ; and Naoya grinding coffee beans

Vending machine selling non sweet drinks: Tonkotsu Ramen soup & curry soup

  Vending machine at JR station

This month's flowers

  ストック(マリンカルテット、チェリーカルテット)、輪菊(シャンパン)、アゲウタム、美女撫子、ユーカリ  Stock (Marine quartet, Cherry quartet), Chrysanthemum (Champagne), Ageratum, Dianthus barbatus,  and Eucalyptus.

Mo made his own lunch for one night school trip


Ginko tree and an airplane


Fujin Tree Tasting Course

Sweet & sour pickled Japanese radish, boiled chicken, and pumpkin 大根の甘酢漬け、紹興酒の鶏の冷製、南瓜 Chicken, ginger, and goji berry soup 鶏、生姜、クコの実のスープ Cordia and white water 水蓮菜と木の実の炒め Deep fried egg tofu 台湾揚げ出し豆腐 Stir-Fried clams & minced pork with chives, century eggs & peppers アサリとバジルの辣椒醤炒め & 花ニラとピータン 豚挽肉のピリ辛炒め Braised dongpo pork and candied dates 豚バラ肉の角煮 ナツメとハイビスカスソース Glace green mango 台湾産青マンゴー氷 It has everything I wanted! Yum! フージンツリー のテイスティングコースを発見。食べたいものが全てある!美味しゅうございました。  

Masaki wants to be like papa


Latte & toasted coconuts doughnut at Sarutahiko Coffee

  This doughnut is mostly made with potato, but tastes just like a good doughnut. The Cob Donut.

Homemade granola

Used muesli, coco oil, and honey, mixed them up well, and roasted in the oven. Came out pretty good. Now I understand why granola is so high in calories.

Chicago pizza lunch with kids

  Ton Naoya Mo Masaki

Vegetable & deep fried sword fish sandwiches from base in Hatsudai

 The little coffee shop in the neighborhood sells sandwiches on Saturdays these days. 

Tonight's moon was very yellow


Mo cooking

Mo chopping up cabbage Mo made bacon & eggs  

部分皆既月食 A partial lunar eclipse

  11月19日の部分皆既月食。月の97%が地球の影に入るということで、ほぼ皆既月食、しかも3時間半ほどの長時間観察ができるとのこと。日が暮れる前から落ち着かなくて仕方がない。近所ではドローンも。夕焼けは赤くて、天気が良くないような兆しが。国立天文台のライブ映像をチラチラ見ながら、東の空を時々チェック。雲で霞んで見えた時にはすでに既に欠けていたお月さま。最大になった時には赤銅色に。チビにも見せたけれど、まあまあな反応。そうですね、興奮しているのは私だけです。その間、東京タワーは大谷MVPのお祝いのライトアップ。うちからは見えないので、お友達の送ってくれた写真を拝借。おめでとう! A partial lunar eclipse happened on Nov. 19. 97% of the moon will go in the shade of earth. It lasted about 3 and a half hours, the longest since 1440, and the longest until 2669. Somebody was flying a drone in the neighbourhood, sunset was burning, restless of me kept checking on a live by National Astronomy Observatory of Japan. When I saw the moon in the east sky, it was already missing most of it, and the sky was a bit cloudy covering the moon from time to time. When it reached the max, the moon looked bronze, and I was the only one who was so excited. Meanwhile, Tokyo Tower had a special light up to cereblate Ootani winning MVP. I couldn't see from our house, so my friend sent me one....

Books at the park

 Started reading the books from kindergarten after get tired of playing. 

Lunch date with mommy friends at Zenobia Cafe, Azabu Juban

Never enough time to catch up.  Salad Mezzeh, falafel, sambosa, and roll sandwich Naan bread Syrian cake & tea

Looking up to the sky

What's that in the sky... Drone...?  

Coffee Cream Latte at Starbucks

My very first time and asked to make it decaf. Such a rare menu you don't see often because they offer this one when they sell out the seasonal menu. The person who made it for me looked very happy that he could make this one, actually. Lucky me! It was actually delicious. スタバのコーヒークリームラテ。レギュラーメニューではなく、期間限定ドリンクが完売になった時に登場するそう。すごく珍しいと、作ってくれたバリスタさんが嬉しそうに教えてくれました。隠れキャラ見つけたみたいでラッキー!美味しゅうございました。

Breads from Boulangerie Yamashita, Ninomiya, Kanagawa Pref.

  ブーランジェリーヤマシタ のパンをゲット。丸いパンはチビ達のハンバーガーに。バゲットは2種類のサンドイッチに。羊羹、バター、柿と羊羹、ブルーチーズ、無花果。ご馳走様でした! Burgers for boys Yokan (black sweet bean), blue cheese, and fig sandwich Yokan (black sweet bean), butter, and persimmon sandwich Yokan, dairy, and fruits sandwich