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部分皆既月食 A partial lunar eclipse


A partial lunar eclipse happened on Nov. 19. 97% of the moon will go in the shade of earth. It lasted about 3 and a half hours, the longest since 1440, and the longest until 2669. Somebody was flying a drone in the neighbourhood, sunset was burning, restless of me kept checking on a live by National Astronomy Observatory of Japan. When I saw the moon in the east sky, it was already missing most of it, and the sky was a bit cloudy covering the moon from time to time. When it reached the max, the moon looked bronze, and I was the only one who was so excited. Meanwhile, Tokyo Tower had a special light up to cereblate Ootani winning MVP. I couldn't see from our house, so my friend sent me one. Congratulations!

Sunset coloring the sky red
A bit foggy sky covering the moon eclipse
Moon not fully covered but can see the part covered bronze
Naoya watching the moon
Bronze moon
Tokyo Tower celebrating Ootani won MVP


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