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Showing posts from 2024

Mashiko Pottery Fair 益子陶器市

  Took a day-trip bus tour to Mashiko, Tochigi Pref. The town was crowded, as expected, but the people told me it was not crowded as it was the day before. Many pottery shops, along with too many food vendors, antiques, crafts, and stuff! This particular style of pottery made by Ms. Izumi Kawashima caught my eyes, and I took some home. Went all the way to Mashiko, but those potteries are not the typical Mashiko style. My new favorite.   日帰りバスツアーで栃木県の益子へ。三連休の最終日だったのでもちろん混雑していたけれど、地元の人によると、連休のなか日はこの2倍の人出だったとか。陶器店が沢山あるのはもちろん、食べ物、アンティーク、工芸品、手作りの物など、とにかく出店数が多い。その中でも心惹かれた物があり、いくつか購入。川島いずみさんという方の作品。わざわざ益子まで行ったけれど、益子らしさはない焼き物。でもお気に入り。 Photos here .

The brothers



 Headed to Daikanyama to check out Sarugaku Festival. Beautiful weather, the boys enjoyed the lego building at Danish Embassy.  Chocolate caramel banana crepes Galette complète for myself Boys having cheese fries Pretzel for myself Cannolo Sfogliatelle Bonèt ボネ Masaki focusing on building lego Naoya made the fish Masaki finished 2 sets of legos A book-reading unicorn & a fish Shrimp samples

Breakfast with Ericka @DRoGHERIA SANCRICCA

 Thank you very much for coming by and it was great catching up! Totally forgot to take a pic with her, but I didn't forget to take food pictures...! Maritozzo Their green tea latte is awesome.

柿とモッツァレラ Persimmon & mozzarella



 今年もこの季節がやってまいりました。まずは羽二重餅で有名な 松岡軒の一枚流し水ようかん 。甘さ控えめ、寒天が多めな感じ。 そして定番、 えがわの水羊かん


  点心が2種類ついてくるランチセット。黒いのはキノコ、 クワイが入っていて歯応えが良い。透明なのは五目で、 ピーナツが入っている変わり種。海老ワンタンはむっちり、 バッサリした麺が香港らしい。スープも美味。また来ましょう。

The boys going to trick-or-treating

 Naoya as a Bacon from roblox, Masaki as Enderman from Minecraft, and papa as Harry Potter...

Torta caprese al limone & latte @Pietre Preziose


Flower shop with a tree house closed at the end of Sep.

 It was famous apparently though I had never been to. Les Grands Arbres.

Chai latte while waiting for the dryer at laundromat

I needed to chill because somebody had an accident and had to use the laundromat as it was a rainy day.  Oh well.

Hello Nickie! I found you at a bookstore!


Pumpkin pie & carrot cake @Streamer Coffee

 Happy Halloween! Naoya 

The boys making pancakes for their breakfast

Masaki Naoya Naoya


レトロなエレベーターの松坂屋上野店で開催されていた北欧展で発見。カルダモンが粗挽きで美味しい。   Naoya Masaki

アメ横 AMEYOKO with the boys

タンフル(탕후루)Masaki's having Korean candied fruits Naoya wants a candied apple

Nishimachi Food Fair 2024

 They have a new system of admission fee. Gave the boys ¥1,000 worth of vouchers to use, and they managed to find what they want.   Masaki with a chocolate cupcake Naoya with cheese quesadilla Masaki with cotton candy Fish taco Mexican food booth Naoya with frozen yogurt