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Showing posts from August, 2024

Today's flowers 今日のお花

  Texas bluebell, cockscomb, wild rose, chrysanthemum, cooktown orchid, carnation, and dracaena   トルコ桔梗(セレブイエロー)、ケイトウ(イエロークィーン)、野薔薇、デコラマム(品種MIX)、デンファレ(ルーシーピンク)、カーネーション(ブリュレ)、ドラセナ(サンデリアナバリケード)

Cooking dinner getting easy as the temperature drops


Currency Museum

I've never been to this museum, so took the boys to check out. They were complaining so much about going to this museum, though had so much fun they didn't want t leave easily at the end. No photos allowed after security check, the place was well designed and arranged with playful exhibits for kids.   Bank of Japan in the back Before... With a flash

Sandwich lunch at Nihombashi Mitsukoshi

  Masaki having PJ sandwich Naoya having mango with whipped cream sandwich Naoya with a mango gelato Masaki with a mango gelato


CM done by Bruno Mars kept on playing... 

Late pizza lunch at Nim's Pizza


Panna cotta & latte @Pietre Preziose


Cherry pie from Anna Miller's

 They had a pop-up shop at Shinagawa Station. 

Affogato @Streamer Coffee



  すだち鮎と胡瓜のリゾット。バジルクリームソースが添えてあり、胡瓜の青臭いところが鮎と合う。すだち鮎の春巻き。鮎と茄子、生ハムをライスペーパーで巻いて揚げたもの。ソースがまた美味しい!また食べたい! すだち鮎と胡瓜のリゾット 『すだち鮎の身とお米を、骨でとっただしで炊き上げたリゾット。鮎蓼(あゆたで)がほんのり爽やかに香るバジルクリームソースをのせ、相性の良いきゅうり、とうもろこし、枝豆と合わせました。お好みで、徳島産すだちを搾ってお召し上がりください。』 すだち鮎の春巻き 『すだち鮎の身、肝のソース、生ハム、茄子、バジルを、シート状と網目状の2種類のライスペーパーで包んだ、サクサクと香ばしい揚げ春巻き。ライムと鮎の魚醤にエシャロット、パクチー、唐辛子を混ぜたソースがおいしさを引き立てます。』

New Classic Tortilla Club

  One of my recent favorite food stands in Yoyogi Uehara. Orangeade to cool down first. Al pastor & suadero sopes, and carnitas tacos, nachos, and NCTC Rolls (humms filling) & cheese quesadillas. Bought a bag of chips to bring back home. Happy!   最近のお気に入りの一つのトルティーヤ屋さん。まずはオレンジエードで一息。今月のスペシャル、アルパストールとスアデロのペソス、カルニタスのタコス、ナチョス、NCTCロールという、フムスを巻いたもの、そしてチーズケサディア。お土産にチップスも。幸せ!

Very first purchase with their allowance they've been saving

 Big water guns....

Dinner at Mixteko Tokyo Mixteko Tokyoのディナー

  Every dish is delicious, and full of surprises! The course menu goes: 1. Agua fresca watermelon 2. Abalone, grape, melon soup 3. Tuna tostada 4. Scallops tacos 5. Taco de Cochinita Pibil 6. Spiny lobster, pumpkin grill, corn silk on top 7. Skirt steak, purslane 8. Pumpkin risotto, pumpkin flower and roasted kale powder on top 9. Tyme ice cream, fresh and roasted figs Really happy with this place and will come back! どのお料理もとても美味しくて、驚きの味の組み合わせ。コースメニューは: 1. スイカのアグアフレスカ 2. 鮑とマスカット、メロンのスープ 3. マグロのトスターダ 4. ホタテのタコス 5. コチニータピビル タコス 6. 伊勢海老、カボチャのグリル、とうもろこしのヒゲ 7. メキシコ産ハラミのステーキ、スベリヒユ 8. カボチャのリゾット、上に載っているのはカボチャの花とケールをローストして作ったケールパウダー 9. タイムのアイスクリーム、フレッシュなものとローストしたイチジク 今回も幸せいっぱい、また来ましょう。ご馳走様でした!



2 days of LEGOLAND in Nagoya

 Photos here . Videos: Masaki dropping water bombs at SQUID ride ; Splash! ; Papa and the boys on the SQUID ride ; Papa and Naoya riding a boat ; and Masaki... We got stuck on Shinkansen on the way back to Tokyo due to a heavy rain between Yokohama and Shinagawa. We were relaxed because we had reserved seats, food, water, A/C was on the shinkansen. Luckily it started running after about an hour. Global warming...

Checking in at LEGOLAND Japan Hotel

Pirates room. Kids knew what to do; solve the quiz and get the code to open a safe, and get LEGOs. Dinner at the restaurant at the hotel. Kids enjoyed endless LEGO building after a buffet dinner.  Masaki opening the safe Kids area Naoya A rocket Naoya built

Me time before madness ...

 台湾銘茶 曉茶 @Maker's Pier

SCMAGLEV and Railway Park

  Dr. Yellow They sell lunch boxes and you can eat on the train on exhibit outside (not running one) Masaki chose melon ice cream Naoya having an super hard ice cream Papa's favorite peach drink