Took a day-trip bus tour to Mashiko, Tochigi Pref. The town was crowded, as expected, but the people told me it was not crowded as it was the day before. Many pottery shops, along with too many food vendors, antiques, crafts, and stuff! This particular style of pottery made by Ms. Izumi Kawashima caught my eyes, and I took some home. Went all the way to Mashiko, but those potteries are not the typical Mashiko style. My new favorite. 日帰りバスツアーで栃木県の益子へ。三連休の最終日だったのでもちろん混雑していたけれど、地元の人によると、連休のなか日はこの2倍の人出だったとか。陶器店が沢山あるのはもちろん、食べ物、アンティーク、工芸品、手作りの物など、とにかく出店数が多い。その中でも心惹かれた物があり、いくつか購入。川島いずみさんという方の作品。わざわざ益子まで行ったけれど、益子らしさはない焼き物。でもお気に入り。 Photos here .