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Garbage or Treasure?

A man in Holland found 2 drawings of Rembrandt Van Rijn (1660-1669) among the used books, which he bought for the equivalent of JPY2,850. A specialist says that the drawings are probably worth approx. JPY1.88M.

There is a popular Japanese TV program where specialists value the audience's "treasures". Some of the things submitted look totally useless/worthless to me, but you never know. For example, a man who thought his vase was worth JPY2M, turned out to be holding a JPY5,000 forgery, and actually the box it came in was worth more, at around JPY15,000. On the other hand, a woman brought in a drawing and asked the specialists to tell her who painted it, was told that it was by a famous master and worth JPY20M. Yes, someone's garbage is someone's else's treasure.
Now I wonder who'll pay us for all the Coke cans we throw out every day?


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