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So, you think that living in the Twentieth Century is complicated? Check this out:
The fashion freak's exhibition is held at Tokyo Garden Museum in Shirogane Dai. It's about the history of haute couture from 1870 to 1960. Back in the old days in Paris, upper class women had to change their clothes at least 4 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening, and tea gown!). Then they had other clothes for visiting, the horse races, horse riding, resort stays, etc. Napoleon III's wife never wore the same dress twice, and the other courtiers followed her example, in order not to give a bad impression. Clothing was the major industry during the mid 19th century in Paris. More than half the 110,000 women who had job in Paris belonged to the clothing industry.
I love clothes, but not that much. Guys, don't get so worried about your woman's shopping! Just be thankful you weren't born 100 years earlier!


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