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Recently the most popular place for tourists coming to Japan is the local toy store. Pokkemon is a huge hit in the USA, and you can only buy 10 Pokkemon cards at a time. Now, if you think you can parallel export these cards to the States, I have news for you that you're not the only one. Apparently more than 60 companies have or make Pokkemon products, and the market size of overall Pokkemon business is JPY500B to
JPY600B. The most popular disguise for Halloween this year was, of course, Pokkemon.
They have a billboard in Times Square in NY for the movie, which started last week and earned $10.1M/JPY1.05M on the opening day. Posters for the movie are already a collectors item: one was sold on e-Bay for $1225 (JPY128,500). The 51-year-old man who bought it has no idea where he will put it though.
I wonder if people in the USA know that Pokkemon has a dark side that many Japanese children became sick after watching a Pokkemon TV show with epilepsy-causing flashing lights...?


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