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Mobile Phones

Recently we have started receiving some very strange phone calls at the office from some mobile phone
users. One of the convenient functions of a cell phone is that it remembers a caller's number. But it's only convenient if the person making the first call gets the number right. So when the cell phone owner calls us back, a conversation something like the following happens,
..."Good morning, LINC Media here."
"Ummm, did you call me?"
"It's LINC Media here, who is this please?"
"My name's Suzuki. Did you call me?"
"This is LINC Media, can we help you?"
"No, I just want to know why you called."
"I'm sorry sir, let me see who might have called you [10 minutes go by as the LINC Media receptionist calls every extension asking if anyone is trying to reach a Suzuki-san.]"
"Hello, hello?"
"I'm sorry sir, we can't find who was trying to call you, would you like to leave a message?...Oh! He cut me off, how rude!"
Hmmm, well, you get the idea. Technology is like having a little demon on your back, trying to give you a hard time whenever it can. Maybe we should rename the cell phone service as: DoCoMo AhoMo?! ;-).


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