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Shopper's Paradise

To repair my favorite shoes, I went to Ginza last Sunday. That was a big mistake. Although they didn't have a "Hokosha-Tengoku" (where the roads are closed to cars), the street was still packed with people, and the stores were running outside stalls, making hard to move past on
the sidewalks. I was curious and asked the police why they didn't have the Hokosha-Tengoku. The reason was that there are too many trucks needing to make deliveries on Sundays -- apparently because the crowds buy more stuff, the stores need to bring the goods in with more trucks. At the time I thought the explanation sounded reasonable, but in the 4 hours I was there, I only saw two Kimura-ya Bakery trucks. If I owned a store, I would be counting the trucks and telling the police to get their act together. Surely the tens of thousands of pedestrians spending money to buoy up the Japanese economy should have priority over 2 trucks!


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