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The Japan Institute of Immunology has set up a new venture company, which will develop technology to regenerate human hair. The company will make practical use of a technology that a Hiroshima University professor discovered -- which lets clinicians implant cells into the skin and thereby stimulate the regeneration of a patient's hair. Sumitomo Electronics also looking at becoming the retailer for such a chemical stimulation procedure.
It seems that humans can regenerate a lot more physical parts of the body these days. Cloning of humans is banned more than 40 nations, but there's a big argument going on at the US Capitol Hill right now over this very subject. I personally find it hard to accept the idea of cloning, though it's possible and some academics are pursuing this line of research. In my opinion, cloning will open a Pandora's box of problems.
The end result will be that someday we will be able to engineer human body cells so that they just keeps on growing back, just like lizard's tail......


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