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This is how I got free lunch today....

Tried a teppanyaki restaurant for lunch with my husband after his appointment at hospital in the morning. At the restaurant, wonderful salad came, chef grilling 2 slices of decent sized butter fish (ebodai), rice came, then I felt a hot burning liquid running on my back of shoulder....! Staff hit a bowl of hot miso soup on the back of the chair and it spilled on to me.... I stayed calm, but it was quite hot, and I almost lost my appetite, but couldn't resist crispy fried skin of the fish, I kept on in taking lunch. The staff and chef apologized several times, some awkward moments, ice cream showed up, and I was about to pay, the chef didn't take the money. I was not mad, I was just surprised by the incident, but I bet I would've done the same if I were him. Food itself was great so I wish to come back sometime again.


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