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Showing posts from September, 2011


scooters Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


まさ! Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


ゴロン Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda great day going out

play date

play date Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


P2011_0923_183253.JPG Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda たい焼き


カルボナーラまいうー Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


パスタ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


lunch Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


世界のブドウ狩コース Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


ブドウ狩 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda 早川園


甲府 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


8時中ちょうどの♪ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda あずさに乗って〜♪

sick kids eating icecream

sick kids eating icecream Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda

さんま、さんま、さんま 苦いか 塩つぱいか

初秋刀魚 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda この佐藤春夫の「秋刀魚の歌」を知ってからは秋刀魚を食べる度に切ない気持ちになる。 --------------------------- あはれ 秋風よ 情〔こころ〕あらば伝へてよ ――男ありて 今日の夕餉〔ゆふげ〕に ひとり さんまを食〔くら〕ひて 思ひにふける と。 さんま、さんま そが上に青き蜜柑の酸〔す〕をしたたらせて さんまを食ふはその男がふる里のならひなり。 そのならひをあやしみてなつかしみて女は いくたびか青き蜜柑をもぎて夕餉にむかひけむ。 あはれ、人に捨てられんとする人妻と 妻にそむかれたる男と食卓にむかへば、 愛うすき父を持ちし女の児〔こ〕は 小さき箸〔はし〕をあやつりなやみつつ 父ならぬ男にさんまの腸〔はら〕をくれむと言ふにあらずや。 あはれ 秋風よ 汝〔なれ〕こそは見つらめ 世のつねならぬかの団欒〔まどゐ〕を。 いかに 秋風よ いとせめて 証〔あかし〕せよ かの一ときの団欒ゆめに非〔あら〕ずと。 あはれ 秋風よ 情あらば伝へてよ、 夫を失はざりし妻と 父を失はざりし幼児〔おさなご〕とに伝へてよ ――男ありて 今日の夕餉に ひとり さんまを食ひて 涙をながす と。 さんま、さんま さんま苦いか塩つぱいか。 そが上に熱き涙をしたたらせて さんまを食ふはいづこの里のならひぞや。 あはれ げにそは問はまほしくをかし。

Do you speak English?

One of the moms from kids' school asked me where we were going to send our daughter to after the pre-school, which seems like a very common subject among the other moms of the daughter's age. I said my husband thought sending her to an international school if possible, and I would be OK anywhere she wanted to go. Then she commented that our kids were pretty fluent in both Japanese and English, and she wanted her daughter to be perfectly fluent in both language. I agree our kids are quite bilinguals of what their age, although I haven't really compared them with the other bilingual kids. Then it got me thinking what's "perfect bilingual". She raised examples that she used to go to a graduate school where she was fluent in English of what she was studying, and also medical terms she learned while she used to live in US, but she didn't know any of the language of the other area of her studies. Therefore she wants her daughter to be fully bilingu...


Choco kolone break at Starbucks after the festival. チョココロネ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


もしもし Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


Day 2 drumming. 山車2日目 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


They give away snacks at every break point during the festival parade, and this is what she got this time. ゲット Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda

late lunch@frijoles

late lunch@frijoles Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda post festival


She's drumming to cheer the parade. どんどん! Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


山車の太鼓チーム Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


Mo drumming. 山車の太鼓 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


休憩 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


山車引きます Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


She is ready to do O-mikoshi (portable shrine) at Hikawa Shrine Festival. 子供神輿 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


仕上げはお姉さん♪ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


ヒカリエと飛行機雲 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda

bacio&pistacchio gelato

bacio&pistacchio gelato Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda from grom in shibuya


小樽なると屋の若鳥唐揚げ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda

Some thoughts with coffee and work...

Worked after lunch at Dean&Deluca at Midtown, over heard a couple of moms and boys at the same area, presumably stopped by for snack after picking up their sons at kindergarten. Mom busy chatting, boys busy drinking on of those super sweet drink covered with whipped cream and chocolate. One of the boys finished his drink and started demanding for some more. Mom said she was not buying as it was expensive, then the boy became grumpy, started making mess. Off course mom kept telling her son to shut up, behave, etc. all kinds of typical stuff moms would've said to expostulate their own kids. And off course the boy was not following his mom. I suspected the boy was not listening to his mom at all, rather completely ignored her. Her words were simply noise that he could just let it flow. And I could imagine he was frustrated badly that he couldn't get what he wanted and his mom was not leading him anywhere but just be harsh to him. Yes, his mom was not guiding her s...

lunch w/husband

He looks so happy encountering full of veggie lunch at Shinju. lunch w/husband Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda

lasagna dinner

lasagna dinner Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda fresh pasta lasagna w/tofu and soy cream.


Lamb lunch at Wakanui , a new restaurant run by ANZCO. lunch@wakanui Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda