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Some thoughts with coffee and work...

Worked after lunch at Dean&Deluca at Midtown, over heard a couple of moms and boys at the same area, presumably stopped by for snack after picking up their sons at kindergarten. Mom busy chatting, boys busy drinking on of those super sweet drink covered with whipped cream and chocolate. One of the boys finished his drink and started demanding for some more. Mom said she was not buying as it was expensive, then the boy became grumpy, started making mess. Off course mom kept telling her son to shut up, behave, etc. all kinds of typical stuff moms would've said to expostulate their own kids. And off course the boy was not following his mom. I suspected the boy was not listening to his mom at all, rather completely ignored her. Her words were simply noise that he could just let it flow. And I could imagine he was frustrated badly that he couldn't get what he wanted and his mom was not leading him anywhere but just be harsh to him. Yes, his mom was not guiding her son at all but simply discouraging him in public. She was simply following her son with his wants and stick NO to every action he took. What was he supposed to do? No guidance or alternatives, become grumpy was the only thing he could do. Those moms are too buys just fire fighting the incidents right there to see the outcome of such conventional remedy to acting up kids. I bet her boy was simply hungry and wanted some more. She could've offered him something else rather than buying another one as exactly he requested. Or promise him the same one for another time. Well, I know things won't go like this easy, but at least you can try something constructive....


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