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20130726 Thunderbird exhibition at Miraikan

Watching 3D videoThe Tracy BrothersThunderbird 1 flying scene set upThunderbird 2 historyThe command centralThunderbird 3 & 5
Thunderbird 4 under waterThe show is startingSubway system on the command central islandThunderbird 1, 2, and 3 launching sitesWind-power generation systemThunderbird 3 launching site illuminates
Thunderbird 1 pilot seatGeo-Cosmos, the earth with over 1m pixel multiple organic EL panels, hanging from the ceilingMy boy and me chilaxing under Geo-CosmosHe's enjoying his game...Do you see "TOSHIBA" on the wall inside of the diorama?
Thunderbird 2 launch pad

Ton went to swimming class, Mo and I had a date on "Thunderbird" exhibition at Miraikan in Odaiba. The most of the visitors were boys, the seniors looked the most diligent, assuming they grew up with watching this show when they were kids. It was a small yet quite fun show.

Mo enjoyed the show there, which he joined 3 times. Here's a video.


Myron said…
So cool! Anna remembers Thunderbirds (they were not animated characters in those days!0.

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