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20130713 Making Sushi Candy

Mo enjoying the candies, meanwhile Ton making a cake for him to taste.Making ice cream...?The Sushi CandiesFinished!Putting soy sauceMaking chirashi zushi
Making ikura/salmon roe sushiMaking maguro/tuna sushiMaking tamago/omlet sushiMaking riceMaking ikura/salmon roe candyThining "nori" candy
Same here, tooPutting water first...Make your own sushi candy and cake candyGoing to YoshidasWatching TV on Sun morningIce cream break
Big boy at dentist今日のお昼は穴子めしPose!IMG_2002IMG_1999IMG_1997
Kids found make-your-own candy box and tried on Sat morning. Sushi one looks so real, and the cake one, Ton ate the most of the cream she was supposed to put on to make some cakes, so she didn't have much of the completed ones.

And some videos of Mo making his candies:
Making Ikura/salmon roe candy.
Making Ikura Gunkan Maki/salmon roe sushi.
Making chirashi zushi.
Tasting the sushi candies


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