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20131211 Birthday party

Pumping balloonsGoofing off with class matesGame led by Niko's momLet's use a balloon!Make a wish!Blow!
Harder!A princess cake for the birthday cake this yearHappy birthday, Ton and Niko!Please be nice to your brother!That's a little better...?Chick cup cakes
Friends gathering aroundPose!One more!Sara's mom made this!

20131211 Birthday party, a set on Flickr.
Found out Ton has a class mate who also born in the same date as her, we decided to have a birthday party together this year. Then another girl also joined as her birthday is also in Dec. Rented a meeting room at a hospital/nursing home, bunch of 1st graders running around, making noise, we had the birthday party. Thanks to Niko's mom, who usually helps kids to play around at Arisugawa park on regular bases, lead some games for the guests and enjoyed fun time together. Sara's mom made hand made paper art gratitude bags for each guests! Great work, moms!! And happy birthday to Sara, Niko, and Ton!


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