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Meeting up with local friends at my home town

Friends from hometown invited me to join a small party, and I made an effort and joined it last night. Like any other local shopping streets, the most of the shops were gone or shut for indefinite period, very sad looking compare to what I remembered from my earlier days. We gathered at a family run sushi restaurant, catching up with really old faces, how much weight they gained, who got sick, how old their kids were, what's happening with schools we used to go, etc. Wondering how many times we would be able to meet up again... Fun time flies really fast, we said good by to everyone, and I drove my friend's car back since she had quite drinks and I didn't at all (well, I simply can't). I hadn't driven for more than 10 years, and it took me a few times to figure out how to unlock the hand break, open/close window, change the light angle, etc., but I made it back home OK! Oh, driving was fun even I had to drive really dark streets in a middle of rice paddles without a single street light.


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