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Inuyama Festival Day 1

One of my friends from work many years ago, now living in Hawaii, was back at her parents' near Nagoya with her daughter. As the first weekend of April was a festival weekend in her home town, we planned a short trip to meet them. Took 8 am shinkansen to Nagoya, after a quick breakfast at Dean&Deluca at Shinagawa station, then switched to local train which took us to Inuyama City, in total of 3 hours.
Met friends and her daughter, Lilo, at the station, we took walk in the crowded street, food venders and games only opens during the festival stood next to each other. Kids went crazy, tried everything they were interested, off course.
Eventually we arrived at her home, which is an important cultural property in the area. Her husband was also visiting, just to join the festival. We've met her parents a few times already, and things went kinds of what it was like back at my home, too: men drinking, slacking, smoking, etc.; women cooking, serving food and tea non stop; occasional cries from babies and kids; frequent visit by relatives and friends.
Went outside, streets were filled with people, where you usually don't see anybody  around. Walked toward the Inuyama castle, which has Haritsuna shrine at the bottom of skirt. This festival is for this shrine, and festival itself is national important intangible cultural property. Total of 13 YAMA, 3 stories float, each has mechanical doll on the top, unique to each own town.
At night time, they light up lanterns, real candle light, and make turn at corner by lifting front of float, and turn the rear wheels. It's called DONDEN. It might be difficult to see it on the video but they lifted 5t weigh float and made turn.
It was late for us by then and we left for Nagoya to check in at hotel. Good night. 

Photos here.


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