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Inuyama Festival Day 2

After a wonderful breakfast at hotel's executive lounge (Yey!), we bought some lunch and food to share, and went back to Inuyama again.
Walked around, kids played some games on the street, bought some snacks, went to look for Lilo's dad who were pushing the YAMA. After goofing around, checking Lilo's cousins, we moved on to elementary school's playground so that kids could release some energy.
Unfortunately rain started later in the day, and the night festival was cancelled. Then everybody came back home, started partying.

We had 8 pm shinkansen reserved so said good-by to them and headed back to station.
Thank you very much for Tanaka family for your hospitality and kindness. We'll see you in Hawaii in summer!

Photos here.


Unknown said…

Excellent diary and photos!
Auntie Em said…
Looks like everyone had great time. Thanks for keeping us posted.

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