Walking around Aoyama Cemetery. It's surreal that cherry blossoms are falling and covering graveyards, and its beauty, ephemeral, tranquility, everything I don't have enough words to express. And there were white dandelions on the ground. It's very unusual in east Japan. It made me happy to see a couple of flower petals on the loaf of bread I bought before the walk. 青山墓地で花見。 散りゆく桜の花びらが古いお墓に降り積もるのはなんともシュール で、美しさ、儚さと、静かさと、何とも言えず、非日常的。 そんな中、足元には白いタンポポ。東日本では珍しい。 家に帰って見たら、 お散歩前に買ったパンに花びらが付いていたのが何だか嬉しい。 Ships at a graveyard Old Christianity graveyard 白いタンポポ White dandelion Cherry blossom tunnel Cherry blossom petals on a graveyard Flower petals on a loaf of bread Videos of cherry blossom falling , cherry blossom falling like snow , and the last one .