白山にある鶯嶁荘 alsoへ。建物が台湾!ピータン冷や奴、ランチセットの雲呑&スープ、炸醤麺。テーブルのQRコードを読み込んでウェブからオーダー、お会計の指示も。支払いは現金かPaypayだったけれど、これも人との接触を減らすのかと思うと現代的なような、でもあれこれ尋ねながらオーダーできないのはちょっと寂しい。ビールの種類が豊富なので、小皿の料理をたくさん頼んでビールを飲みながらというのが楽しい使い方なんだろうなと想像。次回は雲呑全制覇するぞ!
Overheard a conversation between two senior ladies on the bus way back to home from work. One lady said she was worried about her daughter not getting married. "I was worried about her going out when she was young, and was careful not to let her go on date with some boys, but now I regret what I did. If she had more chances of meeting, she would've been married by now." The other lady was telling her that she was embarrassed by her daughter married to a man not from the good family. "Children of my brothers and cousins all married to the people from the good family. My daughter is the only one not married to such a good family. Even my husband's end relatives also married to decent family. I'm so embarrassed." The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. One is not happy about her daughter being single. One is not happy that her daughter doesn't belong to decent family that she can claim to her relatives. Probably both of them were trying to ...