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SL Mooka trip with Jiji baba

 The real SL of Mooka Railway! The old technology yet you can actually feel how it works, rather than, for example, quantum mechanics that you don't actually see what's going on but theoretically understand. The heat, steam, and the sound! Boys were so excited as it's their first SL ride. 

Pre-ordered bento lunch on the train, and they had a PR of local city called Ichikai, Tochigi Pref., and giving away DORAYAKI, sweet bean paste cake sandwich, both ways of going and coming back ride. 

Mooka station had an awesome kids playroom with toys for little to relatively big ones, along with a small train museum that the boys played almost 2 hours. 

Photos here.


SL Mooka;

Modern view, old whistle;

Boys excited with the SL ride;

Smokes blocking the view;

SL leaving with steam and whistle;

Naoya having fun in a tube;

SL Mooka arriving; and

Country view


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