Papa chopping a wood Naoya Masaki Masaki & Naoya pushing a push cart Masaki loading DAIKON on a push cart Naoya washing DAIKON radish A short video of the boys pulling a DAIKON radish together .
It was a sweets day at the coffee shop. Caramelized apples are amazing! It was not crowded, I had another cup of latte, a coconut latte to enjoy the warmth of coffee. Made a sour cream apple pie and caramel apple & roasted tea muffin to go. Happy!
Smooth like velvet, but the coffee is a usual Starbucks cold brew.... Better drink it up while the form stays, especially when the first sip is like enjoying the beer :-) The first time I had bubbly cold brew was probably at La Colombe in NY, a long time ago. I saw a long line and thought I had to try. Their Draft Latte must be the one I had, poured from a tap just like a beer, and it was amazing!
バラ(デザート)、ストック(ホワイトカルテット)、オキシペタリウム(マーブルホワイト)、カラー(ウェディングマーチ)、チューリップ(ロレンゾ)、カーネーション (ロハス)、アカシア(ミモザ) Rose, stock, oxypetalum, calla lily, tulip, carnation, and acacia/mimosa. Carnation Lohas, a new kind Rose called dessert, stock, and oxypetalum