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Buried Treasure

I heard on the news that due to the water shortage, an old sunken castle has re-emerged
from the waters of Biwako. This is the biggest lake in Japan, but its deepest point is only
8m in the south part. The castle is called Sakamoto Jo, which was built by Mitsuhide Akechi.
If you are familiar with Japanese history, Akechi-san killed his Shogun after doing "kireta"
(flipping out) after being bullied by his boss. Sound familiar even with the young people of
today, doesn't it?
There is one interesting story that Akechi's men hid the family gold and treasure in a temple near
the lake, after being attacked during an ensuing battle. I wonder if there will be anyone out on the
lake with a metal detector-equipped dinghy this weekend?


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