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Raw Eggs

For those of you who grew up in Japan, did you have raw eggs on rice when you were little?
The Chiba Egg Center will start selling eggs specially designed for those who like raw eggs. The new eggs are called "Kenta-kun" and come in two varieties: Red and White. The Red ones are rich in DHA (Docosa Hexaenoic Acid) which helps the performance of your brain (makes you smarter?!). Meanwhile the White ones have much less possibility of causing salmonella food poisoning.
I guess that most people from overseas have never thought about eating raw eggs for breakfast, but it's very common for Japanese. I use to eat this dish almost everyday, and for that matter for almost every meal. However, I had to stop after becoming allergic to eggs! Maybe Rocky/Sylvester Stallone will love this news and drink raw eggs to beef and brain UP. Do you want to try?


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