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The other day, I took a bus home from Shibuya, and the bus stopped because the engine overheated. Luckily another bus soom came to pick us up, so the passengers didn't have to
wait in the cold weather too long. I don't remember the last time I was in a bus in Japan that actually broke down. So it was a kind of unique experience and in a strange way a little bit enjoyable...
I remember that I loved taking the very front seat of the bus when I was in elementary school. I guess I wanted to feel like I was driving the bus. Somehow, I started choosing the seat in the very back of bus in high school. You can see that the other kids and students have the same
tendency if you're on the bus.
Some people don't like taking the bus because it's never on time and some drivers speed and drive like crazy, but I like it because I can check out different views of the city which I can't see from the train. With only JPY200, you can go almost anywhere in Tokyo by Toei Bus. Time for a bus trip?


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