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On the weekend, I took a walk around Azabu Juban. It's about 15-20 min walk from my home and I enjoyed it because there are lots of small stores with "natsukashii" stuff from the old days. It's been a long time since I was there last, and I was surprised that the street was filled with lots of tourists. It looks like they come down on the Ooedo line. Even the bread store I often go to was filled with people, and I gave up trying to buy bread. Everywhere I went was crowded,
and I ended up buying nothing. It must be good for the stores there that they have more customers coming, but my feeling is complicated: the town I used to know is changing. The new Mori building in Roppongi will bring even more people in future too.
I think everyone has their favorite town, and somehow you call it your own. I know it's selfish, but somehow I wish my space would just stay the same as it always was. I guess it's time to make an expedition to a new area -- and become one of those tourists I've been complaining about.


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