Crowded commuting bus in a hot and humid morning. One of those so called "mentally challenged" people who suddenly bursts out, sings, mumbles, regardless of the surroundings but, assuming, be in one's own world which is far, far beyond our understandings. Repeating the same phrase over and over and over in the crowded bus. Next to it, a mother with a daughter of age 4 to 5, with picture cards, trying to teach her how to count. Mother's voice was loud, not sure if she was aware of the tone, maybe competing with the "special" one's shout, or was devoted to teach her daughter intensely. But it somehow didn't look heartwarming scene at all. Mother's voice sounded so tired, just like a machine repeating. Not pleasant at all. "How many apples do you see?" "Three." "Which is larger, 6 or 4?" "Six." Behind the dialogue, the "special" one shouts whatever doesn't make sense to no one but himself. No oth...