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Left home early to Haneda Airport to catch a flight to Nagasaki. Got there before noon, left laggage at Ryokan Sakamotoya . First we went to China town (very small compare to the Yokohama one), and had lunch of Chanpon for myself, and Sweet and Sour Pork for the man at Kouzanrou.

Took tram up to the final stop close to Glover Garden, and took incline elevator. Hung around the garden for a while, checking out the houses the foreigners used to live back in the days. These are all in Western style, but interestingly they used the Japanese roof tiles, so the overall figure is quite unique. The weather was nice, almost 30C degrees.

Got a little tired from the sun, we went back to the Ryokan, took bath, and waited for the local gourmet, Shippoku course meal for dinner. Off course we stuffed ourselves, and went to bed a lot earlier than we usually do.


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