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Baby Food Cooking Class

Attended baby food cooking class organized by the local health care center today. It was a big class, more than 45 mothers with babies showed up. And, so it happens, the A/C was out of order. We sat in a room warmed up with human body heat of 90 people... Anyhow, midwife, dietician, and dentist gave a lecture, and we had tasting of actual baby food, which was very helpful visually, texture and taste wise, and Q&A at the end.

It's always interesting to see the other people at such gatherings. A mother wearing a huge diamond ring asking some very basic questions, which makes me wonder how she brings up the baby, or maybe she doesn't but someone else do for her. And there were some people who had questions that you should have obvious answers. The best was "I'm worried about food poisoning." --- me too, honey. Thanks for the statement and what's your question?

Tonchan started moving her jaw from last week, getting ready for eating. It's the next step to be more like a human...


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