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Licca chan, the Japanese version of Barbie doll, started her blog!!

She's a forever-11-year-old character from Takara (now Takara Tomy as two companies merged recently), celebrating her 40th anniversary today. Her life story is already designed 10 years ago when she had her 30th anniversary, and according to that, she was going to get married to a French diplomat at age 25, after going out with 4 boyfriends: Wataru, Masato, Isamu, and Kakeru.

Off course I had a Licca chan doll, enjoyed cutting her hair and putting makeups with oil paint like typical girls do... I remember, when I was in kindergarten, I got excited about calling Licca chan telephone call which you dialed in and she just kept talking and hung up after a few minutes. After 30 some years, technology progressed and she stepped up to the blog, which means the targets are also older people who's capable of reading blogs like my age..., or whoever in charge enjoys the blog, who is also around my age.... Mmm...


Debo Blue said…
I've been enjoying your blog for some time now. Just thought I'd let you know.

PS-your daughter is so cute!
piroko said…
Thanks for your comments. Great to hear some people, other than my relatives, out there reading my blog!

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