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Nihombashi fun with George, Layla & Evan

Photos here.

We started a day with breakfast at Starbucks with fresh out of oven bagels from Maruichi Bagle, George and Evan. Discovered that George and Evan has many people that they knew of through works. Small world.

Then we head out to Nihombashi, checked out new COREDO Muromachi, mainly with food. Then Layla arrived, reunited with her dad while her mom had to leave for her next appointment.

We decided to have lunch at a small restaurant attached to Shimane pref. antenna shop before the lunch crowds show up. Kids had soba, then all shared iPad together. Oh the power of technology...

BTW, we checked in at Mitsukoshi when we arrived at the station to sign up for a food sample craft class performed by the department store. We booked 1p.m. class for all 3 kids, and they made a bento/lunch box sample food. What they did was simply mixing the rice sample, which was already made, with glue, then place other food sample pieces on top of the rice sample. They were very focused and delicately worked on each of their sample. It took about a day to dry it though the finished one's rice looks so shiny you want to eat!

Thank you very much for Layla to hang out with us. We'll see you next summer again and hope to have more time to play with!!


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