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Playing with Emily and Maple

Photos here.

Started the day with awesome breakfast buffet at ryokan, Emily and Maple came to pick us up with their mom. We went to Misawa Aviation & Science Museum so that we can stay dry in inside. It was actually very fun place, lots of touch&feel type of exhibits. Girls decided to make your own single chord guitar at craft class they had, after playing the most of all exhibits. Meanwhile, Mo was busy testing airplane simulators, helicopter simulator, etc. and also never forgot checking out the air crafts in the outside such as F-16A, T-33A, T-2 which Blue Impulse of Japanese self-defense force uses.

Then we drove to the largest fish market in Hachinohe city to have sushi lunch, followed by snacks inside the shops.

Emily & Maple went to home once and came to meet up again at ryokan for dinner. Kids were so excited to meet/play rather than eat.

We said good by and promised for the next time maybe in Tokyo!


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