Gorgeous food package delivered from Rikugou in Ohita pref. Fresh soba, parrot fish ISHIDAI, marinated yellowtail and salmon, dried shiitake mushrooms, white and usual strawberries, and beef. Kids love the soba, parrot fish is awesome in terms of size and taste! Mushrooms are huge, too! Very high quality food altogether priced ¥20,000. Those regional primary businesses needs your help! 素晴らしい食材の詰め合わせが大分県の六郷さんから届きました。手打ち蕎麦、大きな石鯛、白い苺、鰤とサーモンの塩麹漬け、素晴らしい干し椎茸、そして牛ヒレ!これで2万円だそうです。地方の第一産業も応援してね。感謝! Phots here .