Ton slicing parrot fish
石鯛の鯛茶漬け Parrot fish marinated in sesame sauce on rice
石鯛の鯛茶漬け Parrot fish marinated in sesame sauce in dashi soup
牛フィレロースト Roasted beef filet
石鯛のお頭 塩麹漬け Parrot fish head grill
TAI CHADUKE, parrot fish marinated in sesame sauce on rice with dashi soup, roasted beef of wagyu filet which came out pretty good, and parrot fish head grill! It was a serious job to cook them nicely not to waste them all which are great to begin with! Feast! Thankful to everyone involved! 昨日に引き続き大分県の六郷さんから送って頂いた食材を料理しました。石鯛の鯛茶漬け、素晴らしい出来映えの牛フィレのローストビーフ、石鯛の尾頭グリル。食材が良いので料理も真剣です。ご馳走様です!今日も皆さんに感謝!