Take away lunch menu at Himuka
仙台坂 ひむか Sendaizaka Himuka
Fried chicken bento
Grilled mackerel bento
Fried horse mackerel bento
鯖の胡麻醤油 Mackerel in sesame soy sauce
冷やし焼きなすと辛み大根おろしのおひたし Chilled grilled egg plant and grated radishアナゴ白焼き Grilled sea eel
Chilled grilled egg plant and grated radish, and asparagus
鯖の胡麻醤油 Mackerel in sesame soy sauce
As I needed to have a break from cooking meals, I tried lunch to go from HIMUKA in Azabu Juban. Usually they open only at night but, as many restaurants do these days, they have take a way lunch now. Their mackerel was awesome! A little happiness in this craze. 自炊をちょっと一休みしたくて、麻布十番のひむかのお弁当をお持ち帰り。サバの胡麻醤油が最高!このご時世飲食業の皆さんは大変だと思うけど、いつもは夜しか空いてないお店なので、とても嬉しく堪能しました。小さな幸せ。ご馳走様でした!