Hanamatsu style gyoza from Hanamatsu, Shizuoka. Lots of veggies make it sweeter than usual ones and very light in your tummy. Yum! B1グランプリ公認浜松餃子。お野菜の甘味で軽くていくらでも食べられます! https://hamashokugyouza.jimdofree.com Naoya with gyoza
Found a new Taiwanese tea place in Juban. I had to have grass tea and my my daughter had green tea latte. Nice little break in a hot day Green tea latte for Ton Grass tea for myself
A video twins on kick scooters . Naoya eating cheese sandwich Masaki eating cheese sandwich Masaki with a mini bagel Naoya eating a mini bagel Masaki with a big bagel Naoya with a big bagel
北海道から届いたおみやアイス。北海道産の大豆で作った豆乳アイス。味見する前に子供達に食べられてしまいました😭 Ice cream made with soy grown in Hokkaido. Kids finished them even before I can sample...;-) https://omiya.buyshop.jp
先日仕込んでおいた新玉ねぎの甘酢漬けと胡瓜と鯖缶で簡単和物。地味な絵だけどとても美味しく出来ました! Sweet and sour onion I made a few days ago, mixed with cucumber slices and canned mackerel. Pic doesn’t appeal much but it was really simple and delicious! Sweet and sour onion I made a few days ago, mixed with cucumber slices and canned mackerel. Canned mackerel
Real smelt, not capelin you see at supermarkets. And male. Goddess of owl sent from down turned willow leaves into this fish at famine. It’s written “willow leaves” in Japanese originated from the Ainu as based on this folklore. 北海道のカネダイ大野商店のししゃも。スーパーでよく見かけるカペリンではありません。しかも雄。天から遣わされたフクロウの女神が柳の葉から作って人々を飢えから救ったという。柳葉魚。アイヌ語のスス=柳、ハム=葉、が変化してししゃもとなったそう。 https://kanedaioono.com
石川県の一山楼さんから届いた甘海老の昆布締め。美味しすぎて独り占め。ありがとうございました! Northern shrimp marinated in sea kelp from Ichiyamarou, Ishikawa Pref. Too delicious to share with anyone! https://m.facebook.com/ichiyamarou/?locale2=ja_JP
Asparagus from JET Farm in Hokkaido. Pesticides free so that they can let their kids eat those without worries. I appreciate that and all the work very much! 北海道のジェットファームさんから2キロのアスパラガスが届きました。自分の子供達にも安心して食べさせられるよう、無農薬で育てているそう。頭が下がります! https://jetfarm.jp
Stopped by a new Blue Bottle in Hiroo. They have yokan now. Got blondies for twins. Yum! Nola! Blue Bottle Yokan Naoya with a blondie Masaki with a blondie