Usually it's a good 1 hour wait but no body was in line today. First time purchase. Made it a toast crispy. いつもは人がたくさん並んでいるのに、 今日は誰もいなかったので、思いつきで購入。お初です。 外が若干硬めなので、カリカリトーストで。
Walking by the coffee shop, and they were cleaning up and putting the stuff away. They offered ice cream for twins to clean up the storage. They were very happy to help! Thank you very much! Sad they're closing but the new one will be open in a week. We'll be back!
Masaki putting a sticker on a fan Happy Masaki Naoya Naoya "Rolling down a ball through rings" Putting a seal... Masaki caught a blue fish Masaki fished something... Naoya Masaki with a balloon sword Naoya Masaki got a green balloon dog Twins fishing balloons Masaki got a green one Naoya aiming at a blue one... Masaki catching toy fish A video of carrying a portable shrine .