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Showing posts from June, 2021

English bread @Centre The Bakery

Usually it's a good 1 hour wait but no body was in line today. First time purchase. Made it a toast crispy.  いつもは人がたくさん並んでいるのに、 今日は誰もいなかったので、思いつきで購入。お初です。 外が若干硬めなので、カリカリトーストで。

Mo cooking ham & potato

Added cheese!

Twins got small tomatoes from kindergarten

A small tomato Masaki harvested at kindergarten Naoya  

Helping NtS Coffee cleaning up the ice cream

 Walking by the coffee shop, and they were cleaning up and putting the stuff away. They offered ice cream for twins to clean up the storage. They were very happy to help! Thank you very much! Sad they're closing but the new one will be open in a week. We'll be back!

Azabu Juban Inari Shrine

  Praying to Frogs Naoya

Lego catalog is the best book for entertainment


Twins' last visit to NtS Coffee before they close

Naoya with banana smoothie, Masaki with ice cream My last chai tea latte Naoya

20210623 Summer Festival at kindergarten 本村幼稚園夏祭り

  Masaki putting a sticker on a fan Happy Masaki Naoya Naoya "Rolling down a ball through rings" Putting a seal... Masaki caught a blue fish Masaki fished something... Naoya Masaki with a balloon sword Naoya Masaki got a green balloon dog Twins fishing balloons Masaki got a green one Naoya aiming at a blue one... Masaki catching toy fish A video of carrying a portable shrine .


”白龍” すごい素麺をいただいたので、 ちょうど沢山届いた甘いとうもろこしを使ってみることに。 かつて小学校の食育教室で、レストラン ノックの梶原さんに開発していただいたレシピを思い出して再現。 それにしてもこの素麺が美味しすぎる。熟成させた素麺って、 どういうことだ!? 鴨の燻製は食べやすく細く切った方が良かったな。 https://mother-restaurants. com/

Green peppers twins harvested at kindergarten

  Masaki's face for scale Naoya Hello hello...

Masaki with a couple of rollypops he crafted at kindergarten in his pocket


Making pizza for dinner

Masaki making his pizza Naoya making his pizza Masaki Naoya

Rain rain, we gotta bake cookies

Putting cookie dough on the baking sheet Ready to go in the oven Cookies done!  


麻布十番の銀座キャンドル改め、銀座昊(おおぞら)で 坦々麺。 前回の坦々麺とは作る人が違う、と思いきや、 この前のお兄さんもキッチンに。そして今回はご飯も。 秋田の田中家のご飯です。のりこさん、ご馳走様でした!