Waiting for their turn Waiting for the race to begin Getting ready for the next one... Videos here: Naoya & Masaki 50m race ; Getting ready for balloon play ; and Happy 120th birthday elementary school balloon play
渋谷東急フードショーで軽いお昼。bricolage breadでクロコラージュのピーナッツチョコバナナとレモンクリーム、ナオヤは肉まん!ご馳走様でした。 Naoya with a meat bun Masaki with peanut banana chocolate ピーナッツチョコバナナ クロコラージュ レモンクリーム クロコラージュ
Parent-kindergartener school trip at Arisugawa Park. They're off to stamp rally. We had to leave early because of rain before lunch time, though kids had fun.