Wanting to go since they came to Japan about 5 years ago. I took my husband who was off from work with me there. The shop at Ferry Bldg in SF is very small, and this one is big. It has a factory, shop, and cafe upstairs. Very open, simple, and very comfortable place. We had:
Chef's tasting - Canele with Ecuador, Creme Brulee Pistache with Guatemala, Tarte au Citron with Belize, Profiterole with Tanzania, and Gelee de Cacao fruits with Brasil;
S'More and tea; and
Cacao fruit smoothie.
Everything's great, and pistachio creme brulee was superb!
Happy Valentine's Day!
シェフズテイスティング - それぞれ産地の違うチョコレートを使っていて、カヌレはエクアドル、ピスタチオクリームブリュレはガテマラ、レモンタルトはベリーズ、シュークリームはタンザニア、カカオの実のゼリーはブラジル。